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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Microsoft Surface

What is Microsoft Surface?

Microsoft Surface is a revolutionary multi-touch computer that responds to natural hand gestures and real-world objects, helping people interact with digital content in a simple and intuitive way. With a large, horizontal user interface, Surface offers a unique gathering place where multiple users can collaboratively and simultaneously interact with data and each other.

The Microsoft Surface platform
Microsoft Surface is more than a computer. It’s a leap ahead in digital interaction. By enabling you to use your hands instead of a keyboard and mouse, it revolutionizes the way you interact with digital content, while keeping the ability to connect with other devices such as networks, printers, mobile devices, card readers, and more. Our Microsoft Surface Partners have created hundreds of applications for the platform.
Microsoft Surface is currently based on the Windows Vista platform, which makes it especially easy for companies to manage, deploy and support Microsoft Surface units. The current version for the software platform is Microsoft Surface 1.0 Service Pack 1, which enhances Surface with an enhanced user interface, improved manageability to help reduce the cost of ownership, broader international support, and faster, easier ways to design innovative applications. Read more about Service Pack 1 on the Microsoft Surface Blog.

- karthik, delhi